
Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. If bankruptcy is unavoidable, a robust reorganization plan that addresses the needs of all stakeholders is imperative. To thrive again in these difficult times, companies must answer critical questions such as these:
  • How can we quickly stop the bleeding?
  • How can we release and generate cash to fund our operations?
  • How can we focus on the most viable parts of the business moving forward?
Acute’s turnaround approach focuses on the most important operational, strategic, organizational, and financial levers in order to ensure a comprehensive recovery. We can validate an existing turnaround plan or develop a new one tailored to a client’s specific circumstances. By combining our deep industry experience with the proven tools of crisis management, we create lasting impact—fast!




Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry. To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient. More...


Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. More...

Corporate Finance

From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. More...