Research and Insight

Types of Studies

Employee Satisfaction studies

An employee is the most valued asset in an organization. In light of this revelation, every organization yearns to attract, acquire, develop, entertain and retain a highly talented and dedicated team. This can only be achieved if the organization consistently enquires from its employees of their changing needs, ambitions and aspiration in line with execution of their duties.
Acute Consultants will help you engage your employees and deliver an independent report on areas of focus in order to retain energetic and enthusiastic professionals

Customer Satisfaction Studies

Finding out what your customer feels, thinks and perceives your organization, its services and products is a useful way to give your competition a run for their money. A customer can send everyone in the organization home, starting from the chairman downwards by simply taking his business elsewhere.
Acute Consultants know how best to collect, organize, analysis and interpret this data to deliver meaningful information that will help you keep up with the moving goal of achieving customer satisfaction.

Retail Audit

Whether you are seeking to know what products and services are bought and consumed within your neighborhood, town, County, Country, continent or globe, Acute Consultants will help you find out through its widespread teams and networks. This will aid your decision making on what to invest in and inform your production and marketing mix thus gaining the desired market share and consumer preference.

Feasibility Studies

It’s hard enough to generate an idea, testing its viability will save you from forming the statistics of closing up operations within the first 3 years and watching all your investment go down the drain. Charge Acute Consultants with the task of interrogating the market and reporting the possibility of surviving and becoming the fortune organization you desire to be.

Concept Tests

Concept tests are a really useful way of finding out whether that budget-busting new product development project you’re about to embark on will arouse enough interest to make your consumers buy your product. Acute Consultants guarantees you’ll know the way forward once you subject your idea to a concept test.

Product / Price tests

You want to launch a new product in the market but don’t know what price to tag on it or how to tailor its offering to meet consumers’ needs. How do you walk the tight rope of maximizing profits without ripping off the consumer? Proper research will act as your balance beam. Besides, refining product designs and plans to keep you one step ahead of the competition, Acute Consultants will let you know how much your consumers are willing to pay and when they think you’re taking more than your fair share of their wallet.

Usage and Attitude Studies

Instead of doodling in your notebook trying to work out what brands your target audience are using or what they think about your brand, charge Acute Consultants with the task of getting the facts. They’ll be delivered straight to you saving you time and notebook space.

Positioning and Segmentation Studies

It is impossible to create a product that will be used by everyone unless it’s the air we breathe.
Acute Consultants’ positioning and segmentation research is designed to help you figure out what market positioning presents you with the fastest access to a bonus from the accounts department. You will be able to gather valuable insights like what consumers are looking for and what needs are still unfulfilled.
Consumers need to be clustered according to their demographics, psychographics, product needs and usage. Once this is done, you can easily determine which segment is viable for your brand and help you develop communication that will talk to individuals instead of consumers in general. This way, you use your resources optimally.

Brand Perception studies

Spending your eight to five interacting with people who work for the same company as you do can easily give you a biased opinion of what your organization’s perception to the outside world.
What you saw internally as a successful PR campaign could have been seen differently from the other side of your office door. That’s where Acute Consultants steps in with an independent corporate image or brand perception study that will give you a true, full colour picture of what image your company and brands have.

Political and Social Studies

The needs of citizens are changing rapidly. Government policies and social programmes need to respond to these changing needs. And in an age of economic uncertainty there is increased pressure for accountability of expenditure – on governments, political parties and NGOs. Robust, innovative research is needed to guide the development of policies and political strategies, and to evaluate their effectiveness and return on investment.
Acute Consultants political and social research unit with dedicated social researchers in more than 20 countries, Acute Consultants are uniquely placed to conduct research on any social issue, in any environment. We assist decision makers in a wide range of policy areas: health, education, social services, environment, labor market, family policy, public transport, road safety, justice, community integration - to name a few.
We provide political parties with strategic advice during elections by conducting social polling within the country.




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Corporate Finance

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