Hospitality and Tourism

We offer management consultancy services in hospitality and tourism targeting hotels, motels, restaurants, catering institutions, lodges, tour companies, travel agents and government agencies in tourism sector. Many investors in the hospitality and tourism sector have finances but lack management capability to create profitable companies, Acute helps such investors with management services to build reputable brands and become profitable. This involves day-to-day running of business activities including recruitment of a winning team to deliver results.




Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry. To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient. More...


Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. More...

Corporate Finance

From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. More...