Corporate Finance

From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. Financial services players will need to harness better business models to overcome shortcomings of the past and current challenges. We assist companies find innovative ways to optimize processes, reduce back office costs, align IT, manage risks, capture the economic benefits of building loyal customers, and plan for evolving competitive and regulatory landscapes.
We help design and execute holistic value-creation strategies, as well as in developing world-class finance functions. Our understanding of value-creation strategy entails adopting an explicit value-creation target as well as designing and aligning business, financial, and investor plans accordingly. We thereby help companies understand their sources of valuation advantage and increase returns to shareholders. Financial management, budgeting, and reporting include all the elements needed to generate a world-class finance function. This function faces special challenges attributable to increasingly complex demands such as driving value creation, facilitating strategic decisions, and providing transparency in external reporting. A value-creation strategy requires development of sharply defined and closely aligned business, financial, and investor plans to optimize total shareholder return over the medium to long term at both the corporate and business unit levels.




Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry. To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient. More...


Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. More...

Corporate Finance

From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. More...