Acute’s Technology Advantage practice helps clients transform their businesses using technology and information. Our clients are senior business and technology executives who value Acute’s bias-free, independent, and impact-oriented approach. Our business model is independent from downstream ICT implementation or outsourcing services. We combine recognized strengths in strategy, organization, and operations with deep industry expertise and technology know-how. Our Technology expertise is concentrated in these critical areas:- Technology Strategy. We help clients navigate strategic choices around the use of technology, focus their technology-driven innovation efforts where it matters, and develop strategic technology architectures and road maps.
- Technology in Business Transformation. We help our clients use technology to enable large and complex business transformation programs.
- ICT Sourcing. We develop overall ICT and business-process sourcing strategies and help clients select, make agreements with, and manage outsourcing and offshore units more effectively.
- Technology Organization. Working with our clients, we help them define the role and mission of their technology organization, design more effective organization structures, improve governance, and identify new people- and talent-management practices.
- ICT Performance. We partner with clients to delineate key ICT-performance objectives and metrics and improve IT efficiency and effectiveness.
Operations Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry. To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient. More...
Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. More...
Corporate Finance
From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. More...