People Management
Human talent is the most valued assets in an organization. At Acute, we believe that people, working together collaboratively, form the basis of competitive advantage in any organization. With that in mind, we strive to improve employee engagement and company performance in all our work with clients. By focusing on both, companies can achieve real change and sustainable advantage over competitors. We engage our clients in the following people management functions:- Human resource planning
- Job analysis and job evaluation
- Recruitment and selection
- Training and development
- Performance management
- Employees relations
Operations Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry. To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient. More...
Companies in financial distress face a unique set of challenges. They must ensure short-term survival while preparing for long-term success. More...
Corporate Finance
From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, Acute has dedicated financial services teams serving major areas of the financial services industry. More...